Deployment Brief
Deployment Brief
Sept 3 | 8 - 9:30 am Sablich Center | Room 108A Mandatory for all members deploying, spouses are welcome to attend. Register with Squadron UDMs. M&FRC 228.376.8728
Sept 3 | 8 - 9:30 am Sablich Center | Room 108A Mandatory for all members deploying, spouses are welcome to attend. Register with Squadron UDMs. M&FRC 228.376.8728
Thursdays | 12:30 - 2 pm Sablich Center | Room 108A Mandatory for all returning deployers before starting their R&R. Registration is conducted by Unit Deployment Manager by Wednesday before the brief date. M&FRC  228.376.8728
Sept 10 | 8:15 - noon Sablich Center | Room 108B Orientation to the base with multiple agencies providing mandatory briefings. Register with Squadron UPCs.
Sept 10 | 1 -3 pm Sablich Center | 108A Congressionally-mandated Pre-Separation Counseling for those separating or retiring. Initial counseling must be accomplished prior to presep. M&FRCÂ Â 228.376.8728
Sept 11 & 12 | 8:30 - 3:30 pm Sablich Center | Room 108B This is a 2-day track for those who are transitioning rom the military and want to start a business. Taught by Small Business Administration-Mississippi State.
Sept 11 & 12 | 8:30 - 3:30 pm Sablich Center | Room 108B This is a 2-day track for those who are transitioning rom the military and want to start a business. Taught by Small Business Administration-Mississippi State.
Thursdays | 12:30 - 2 pm Sablich Center | Room 108A Mandatory for all returning deployers before starting their R&R. Registration is conducted by Unit Deployment Manager by Wednesday before the brief date. M&FRC  228.376.8728
Sept 16 - 20 | 8 am - 4 pm Sablich Center | Room 108B Open only E-8/9, 0-5/6/7. This program, including GPS and VA Benefits, is designed to prepare military members and families for their transition to civilian employment. Pre-separation/initial counseling is a prerequisite. M&FRCÂ Â 228.376.8728
Sept 16 | 1 -2:30 pm Sablich Center | Room 108A Mandatory for all members deploying, spouses are welcome to attend. Register with Squadron UDMs. M&FRCÂ Â Â 228.376.8728
Sept 16 - 20 | 8 am - 4 pm Sablich Center | Room 108B Open only E-8/9, 0-5/6/7. This program, including GPS and VA Benefits, is designed to prepare military members and families for their transition to civilian employment. Pre-separation/initial counseling is a prerequisite. M&FRCÂ Â 228.376.8728
Sept 16 - 20 | 8 am - 4 pm Sablich Center | Room 108B Open only E-8/9, 0-5/6/7. This program, including GPS and VA Benefits, is designed to prepare military members and families for their transition to civilian employment. Pre-separation/initial counseling is a prerequisite. M&FRCÂ Â 228.376.8728
Plan My Move PCS Briefing Sept 18 | 3 - 4:30 pm Sablich Center | Room 108A Reduce the stress of PCSing by attending this class. Briefers include representatives from M&FRC, Housing, TMO, Tri Care and Finance. M&FRC   228.376.8728
Sept 16 - 20 | 8 am - 4 pm Sablich Center | Room 108B Open only E-8/9, 0-5/6/7. This program, including GPS and VA Benefits, is designed to prepare military members and families for their transition to civilian employment. Pre-separation/initial counseling is a prerequisite. M&FRCÂ Â 228.376.8728
Thursdays | 12:30 - 2 pm Sablich Center | Room 108A Mandatory for all returning deployers before starting their R&R. Registration is conducted by Unit Deployment Manager by Wednesday before the brief date. M&FRC  228.376.8728
Sept 16 - 20 | 8 am - 4 pm Sablich Center | Room 108B Open only E-8/9, 0-5/6/7. This program, including GPS and VA Benefits, is designed to prepare military members and families for their transition to civilian employment. Pre-separation/initial counseling is a prerequisite. M&FRCÂ Â 228.376.8728
Sept 24 | 9 - 11 am Sablich Center | 108A Congressionally mandated Pre-Separation Counseling for those separating or retiring. Initial counseling must be accomplished before presep. M&FRCÂ Â Â 228.376.8728
Thursdays | 12:30 - 2 pm Sablich Center | Room 108A Mandatory for all returning deployers before starting their R&R. Registration is conducted by Unit Deployment Manager by Wednesday before the brief date. M&FRC  228.376.8728
Sept 27 | 10 am Butterfly Garden, Marina Park Join us for a poignant Butterfly Release event honoring Gold Star Families Remembrance. This gathering is a deeply meaningful tribute to the transformative nature of life and a heartfelt gesture of remembrance for our Fallen heroes. Each attendee will have the opportunity to participate in releasing […]
OCT 2 - 3 | 8 - 4 am Sablich Center | Room 108B This 2-day workshop, facilitated by the Department of Labor, is designed to help military members and their spouses to make good career decisions as they move from military service to civilian life. M&FRCÂ 228.376.8728
OCT 2 - 3 | 8 - 4 am Sablich Center | Room 108B This 2-day workshop, facilitated by the Department of Labor, is designed to help military members and their spouses to make good career decisions as they move from military service to civilian life. M&FRCÂ 228.376.8728
Thursdays | 12:30 - 2 pm Sablich Center | Room 108A Mandatory for all returning deployers before starting their R&R. Registration is conducted by Unit Deployment Manager by Wednesday before the brief date. M&FRC  228.376.8728