DSN 597.4116


Youth Center

Keesler Youth Programs is a place where children and teens can grow, learn and connect in a safe and exciting environment. Our Youth Center has a teen and open recreation area that has a video game room, arts and crafts area, and table games.

The Youth Center also has a before and after-school care classrooms, athletic fields, and a play area. Our Youth Programs cultivates social learning, recreational activity, and life skills. It’s a place where all children are welcome and free to explore who they are and want to become.

Volunteer Youth Coaches Needed!

Interested individuals will need a background check, coaches training, child abuse training, and CPR & first aid certification. Call for more information.

General Info

  • Multipurpose video room
  • Music room
  • Kitchen/cafe area
  • Open rec game area
  • Teen Zone room
  • Playground
  • Gymnasium
  • Three baseball fields
  • 4H & Boys and Girls Club Curriculum
  • Special Interest Clubs (gaming, video, drama)
  • Pre-Teen & Teen Leadership Clubs
  • Instructional classes (piano, voice lessons, jit-jitsu, and tennis)
  • Youth Sports Program
  • Youth Sponsorship Program
  • President’s Volunteer Service Award

Our Mission

To provide a S.A.F.E. experience while offering a myriad of programs, clubs, events, and instructional/educational options for ages 5-18 and their families.

School Liaison

We serve as the liaison between the installation commander, base agencies, military parents, and schools by providing assistance in matters pertaining to student education. We can provide you information on our local public schools, private/parochial schools, home schools, and more!

More Info

Youth Center

School Age Care

School Age Care promotes children’s cognitive, social, emotional, cultural, language, and physical development through programs and services that recognize differences in children and youth and encourage self-confidence, curiosity, creativity, self-discipline, and resiliency.

Before and After School Care:

  • Before and after school care is available for children enrolled in Kindergarten through age 12.
  • Fees are based on total family income. LES and/or the latest pay stub will be required at the time of registration. Automatic payment is done weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly through our Child & Youth Program Business Management System (CYPBMS).
  • Advise the front desk clerk of which payment frequency you desire.

Late Fees:

  • Late payment fees for Before and/or After and Camps are $5.00 per day per family. Childcare services will no longer be provided if the family has missed two consecutive payments.
  • Late pickup fees for Before and/or After and Camps are $2.00 per minute per child and will be assessed for late pickup following a 10-minute grace period (5:40 pm/1740).
  • Families will only be authorized to use the grace period 3x during the fee year. After the 3rd time, the late pickup fee will become effective.


Shuttle service is provided for drop off and pick up to the Biloxi and Harrison County school year calendar.

Schools currently supported are:

  • Back Bay Elementary
  • Biloxi High
  • Biloxi Junior High
  • Biloxi Upper Elementary
  • D’Iberville Elementary & Middle School
  • Popps Ferry Elementary
  • North Bay Elementary
  • Creekbend Elementary
  • Creekbend Middle

*Transportation is subject to change based on participation.

Additional Programs

Give Parents a Break

A monthly event that offers childcare at the Child Development Center and Youth Center for Air Force Families experiencing the stress associated with deployment, a new baby, illness, or other issues impacting family life. Must be referred to by a base helping agency such as the Military & Family Readiness Center, Chaplain, etc. Must have current paperwork on file and register prior to Wednesday of each month’s event.

Parents Day/Night Out

Parents Day/Night Out is held in conjunction with GPAB. The Child Development Center and Youth Center offer childcare for ages 6 weeks to 12 years old. Registration is required by the Wednesday before each month’s event, as space is limited.

Youth Programs/Open Recreation

Department of the Air Force Youth Programs (YP) offer opportunities for positive youth development by supporting the skills, interests, qualities, and abilities of all youth.

Open Recreation

Youth Center Open Recreation is for ages 9-18 years old that participate in a variety of Boys & Girls Club and 4-H programming. A monthly calendar of events is available at the Youth Center. Transportation services are available to pick up from Biloxi and Harrison County schools.

Youth Program Membership

Open recreation membership options are offered yearly or monthly.


  • Career Launch
  • Cooking Club
  • Fine Art Club
  • Junior Staff
  • Keystone Club (ages 14-17)
  • Life Skills 101
  • Passport to Manhood
  • S.M.A.R.T. Girls
  • S.T.E.M.
  • Torch Club (ages 9-13)
  • Triple Play

Instructional Classes

Mon. Tue. & Wed | 5:30 – 7 pm
Students learn how to read music and play the piano. Music theory, including notes, scales, chords, rhythm, melody, harmony, and form.
Ages | 4-18
$100 | Per Student | Four 30 minute private lessons
$200 | Per Student | Four 60 minute private lessons
$120 | Per Student | Four 60 minute group lessons


Tues | Wed | Thu 5:30 – 7 pm
Sat | 10 am – Noon

Voice lessons focus on singing fundamentals, including notes, scales, melody, and harmony.
Ages | 7-18
$120 | Per Student | Four 60 minute group lessons
$ 160 | Per Student | Four 60 minute private lessons


Mon | 5:30 – 7 pm
Jiu-Jitsu teaches self-defense skills, self-control, breath control, and confidence.
Ages | 4-14
$120 | Per Student | Four 60 minute lessons
$100 | Initial uniform fee.

Instructor Interest Form

Youth Sports & Fitness

Our Youth Sports & Fitness Program offers year-round sports leagues, clinics/camps, family fun runs, and fitness events.

  • Must be age five before practice starts
  • A copy of current physical and immunizations is required at registration.


Soccer, Basketball, and Sideline Cheer Seasons

Want to volunteer?

We need coaches and officials! If you’re interested in volunteering for Youth Sports, give us a call at 228.377.4116.

Youth Sports Registration Packet

Parent Advisory Board

All parents whose children are enrolled in CYP are a part of the PAB. The committee acts in an advisory capacity, providing recommendations for improving services. The committee is also responsible for developing the parent involvement plan for Child Development Center, School Age Care, and Family Child Care.

Meetings are held quarterly. For those interested in attending, please call us!

Winter Break

Attention Parents:
Winter Break is separated into three different sections in your CYPBMS parent portal.

60% Days: Registration for these days closes 12/13/2024.
-If you are Before care only and would like to attend after care during a
60% day, you will need to apply for hourly care on your CYPBMS
-If you are After care or Before and After care, we will register your
hours for your child per their attendance the day of their school’s 60%

No School Days: Registration for these days closes 12/13/2024.
-You can register for these days under “Register Camps/Instructional
Classes” on your CYPBMS home page.
-There will be three days to choose from – December 18th , 19th , 20th .
-Refer to your child’s school calendar to ensure you are signed up for the
correct days.

Winter Break Weeks: Registration closes 12/20/2024.
-You can register for these weeks under “Register Camps/Instructional
Classes” on your CYPBMS home page.
-There will be two weeks available to choose from Under Winter Break:
Week 1 – 12/23-12/27
Week 2 – 12/30-01/03
-Please note during these weeks we will be closed 12/24/2024-12/25/2024
and 12/31/2024-01/01/2025.

Upcoming Events