Hours of Operation
Military & Family Readiness Center
Mon – Thu: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Fri: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Holidays/AETC Family Days: Closed
3rd Thursday of the month: Closed (Effective October 2024)
Mon – Tue: 8:00 AM – 4:45 PM
Wed – Thu: 9:00 AM – 4:45 PM
Fri: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Holidays/AETC Family Days: Closed
3rd Thursday of the month: Closed (Effective October 2024)
View Hours
Address Information
Military & Family Readiness Center
Sablich Center 500 Fisher St., Bldg. 0701, Room 110 Keesler AFB, MS 39534
Levitow Training Support Facility, Bldg. 7310 Keesler AFB, MS 3953
View Address
Military & Family Readiness Center
The Military and Family Readiness Center offers a wide range of military and family services and programs contributing to the well-being of the military community. Services offered include deployment & family support, Military Family Life Counselors, transition and career assistance, financial preparedness, and retiree services. M&FRC’s overall goal is to ensure servicemembers and families are informed, educated, and prepared for the unique demands of military life. We strive to create a sense of community and readiness.
Programs & Services
Air Force Aid
The Air Force Aid Society is the official charity of the U.S. Air Force. Interest-free loans and grants are provided for short-term or emergencies, such as food, rent, utilities, car repair, and emergency travel. Each case is treated individually. Apply online at https://my.afas.org/memberportal.
Call 228.376.8728 for more information.
Air Force Families Forever (AFFF)/Gold Star Program
The AFFF/Gold Star Programs provides immediate and long-term bereavement care, service and support for family members of deceased service members. Family members receive base access to attend events and access to referral services.
Call 228.376.8728 for more information.
Airman in Training (AIT) Separate Rations Brief
Briefings are held 10:30 a.m. and 4:30 PM Wednesdays at the M&FRC Annex, Levitow Bldg, Room 134. Mandatory for any married AIT Airman who would like to reside outside of the dormitories during technical training.
Call 228.377.0155 to register.
Casualty Assistance & Survivor Benefits
The Casualty Officer makes notifications to and assists the next-of-kin of deceased military members. Mandatory briefings are provided to all retiring service members to make informed decisions on their retirement benefits.
Call 228.376.8728 for more information.
Employment Services
Provides short and long-term services by offering employment skills counseling to prepare for portable careers in the private and public sections. A local guide to Gulf Coast Employment is available as a resource. Computers are available for job searches, resume writing, and more.
Call 228.376.8728 for more information.
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Family Support (FS)
The Air Force’s Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is designed to provide support to military family members with special needs. EFMP is comprised of three components who work together to support military members and their families. Let us help you navigate the EFMP program to the best of your ability.
Please call 376.8728 to schedule your initial assessment.
Heart Link
Heart Link is an Air Force program designed to strengthen military families and enhance mission readiness by helping to orient new Air Force spouses to active duty military life.
Contact us at 228.376.8728 for more information and to register.
Key Spouse
A Key Spouse is the liaison between unit leadership and families. If you want to know who your Key Spouse is, we can refer you. If you are interested in becoming a Key Spouse, quarterly training is available through the M&FRC.
For details, call 228.376.8728.
Military and Family Life Counselor (MFLC)
Military Family Life Counselors provide non-medical counseling addressing life skills such as anger management, conflict resolution, parenting, parent/child communication, relationship issues, marriage enrichment, the military lifestyle, and other concerns. Consultations are free and anonymous for eligible beneficiaries.
For questions or to schedule an appointment, call 228.209.6280 or 228.229.3801.
Newcomer’s Orientation & Info Fair
This mandatory program is offered monthly to all new-to-Keesler service members. Spouses are welcome to attend. Refer to the M&FRC calendar for specific dates. Registration is accomplished during squadron in-processing.
Call 228.376.8728 for more information.
Personal Financial Readiness
The M&FRC offers information, education, and financial counseling to Airmen and their eligible beneficiaries.
Call 228.376.8728 for an appointment.
Readiness and Deployment
Mandatory pre-deployment briefings are offered bi-monthly and scheduled by the Unit Deployment Manager. Mandatory redeployment briefings are offered weekly and are also scheduled by the Unit Deployment Manager. Spouses are encouraged to attend both briefings. Sustainment services include newsletters, monthly family events, Mommy/Daddy dolls, and other resources.
Call 228.376.8728 for more information.
School Liaison Officer (SLO)
The SLO is located in the Military & Family Readiness Center.
Please call 228.376.8728 to schedule an appointment.
Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
This congressionally mandated program provides service members with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to make informed career decisions and be competitive in a global work force as they transition from military service into civilian life. See Forms & Downloads for more information and all pre-requisites.
Call 228.376.8728 for more information.
- Pre-Separation Counseling This briefing is required as part of Transition Assistance Program. Sessions are held weekly for separatees and retirees. Call for specific dates/times. ** Initial counseling must be completed prior to attending. Registration is required to attend.
Call 228.376.8728 for more information.
Voting Assistance Program
The Air Force Voting Assistance Program provides personnel with access to the Installation Voter Assistance Office to register and vote either at the polls or by absentee ballot.
Call 228.376.8728 or email vote.keesler@us.af.mil for more information.
Air Force Voting Assistance Program
Federal Voting Assistance Program
Guides & Forms
Military and Family Readiness Program’s (M&FRP) mission is to provide targeted Airmen, Guardians and their Families support and services by contributing to mission readiness, and the well-being of the Department of the Air Force community. M&FRP supports and maintains mission readiness by assisting individuals and families with adaptation to the challenges and demands of the military lifestyle. The M&FRP ensures that Airmen, Guardians, and their Families are informed, educated, assisted, and prepared for the unique demands of military life.